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Watch makeup tutorials & shop makeup looks. Title. Foundations don't have websites. Contact; Grants; Projects; Blog; Home; #OFF; Legacy; Contact; Grants; Projects; Blog; Contact Us. Your Message; Security Check. I'm choosing to support the Dr. Sheila Moore Fund for Kids with Cancer and Blood Disorders. Foundations. Mail. Contact Info. Support may come via email, chat, phone, social media, or help articles, depending on the question or issue you have. Phone. This field is for validation purposes and should be left unchanged. … Contact Us Read More » The Olympia Tumwater Foundation honors the philanthropic legacy of the Schmidt Family and the Olympia Brewing Company through a wide range of community projects, from awarding annual scholarships to preserving its historic Schmidt House and archives, supporting the Tumwater Historic District, and providing the Brewery Park at Tumwater Falls for public use and enjoyment. Please take a moment to look at the SPONSORSHIP OPPORTUNITIES and choose a level that is right for you! O.L. Email * Required Organization/Company * First Name * Last Name * Email Address * Work Phone Number * Preferred Contact Method Phone Email: Comments/Inquiries. Contact Us If you have questions or need more information about The Old Soldiers Home Foundation, Inc., please contact us using the information below: PHONE: (202) 642-3074 EMAIL: info@toshf.org Or send us a message by filling out the form below: To make a donation by mail, please complete this form to include with your donation. The AOL Help site is your starting point for getting support from AOL. NALC Headquarters switchboard 202-393-4695: Address changes, dues questions Membership, 202-662-2836: Health Benefit Plan 888-636-6252 20547 Waverly Court, Ashburn, VA 20149-0001 Oak Foundation commits its resources to address issues of global, social and environmental concern, particularly those that have a major impact on the lives of the disadvantaged. First * Last * Email * Enter Email Confirm Email. Get in Touch. 90% of U.S. The La Vernia Education Foundation has raised more than $200,000 for educational grants and we couldn’t have done it without your support. With Foundation Directory Online, you can put Candid's extraordinary database and fundraising expertise to work for your organization, project, or client, while uncovering information on all 234,000 U.S. This fund will help fund the special needs of children with cancer and blood disorders who are being treated at Our Lady of the Lake Children’s Hospital. With offices in Europe, India and North America, we make grants to organisations in approximately 40 countries worldwide. Halsell Foundation P.O. Olseth Family Foundation 601 Carlson Parkway, Ste. The Obama Center was established in January 2014 to carry on the great, unfinished project of renewal and global progress. High-quality beauty products and makeup for Maximalists. Box 6300 Santa Ana, CA 92706. GO TO SPONSORSHIP PAGE. Comments. Buy makeup online.